The AUJIRP is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes original reserach and digital products on ICT solutions.AUJIRP publication includes theoretical,practical and empirical papers int hte field of information and communication technology(ICT).However, AUJIRP enlists the below areas from various research fields without putting any cap on the uncovered ones.The first publication of authors would be released in AUJIPR Vol-2, Issue-1 in December 2019.
Submission Deadline: 20-10-19
Acceptance Notification: 30-10-19
Camera Ready Due: 05-11-19
Publication Date: Dec 2019
Participants:15000 Kyats
(For postgraduate levels)
Participants:5000 Kyats
(For undergraduate levels)
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the submission guidelines from the template for this University Journal in Higher Education.The author can request to get the journal template by asking for the editorial board through
Guideline Template (Microsoft word)